
Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Hi everyone,
Welcome back to my week 8 blog post about my poem.
During our writing workshops we have been working on poems and what different types of poems there are and how they are different to each other. I decided to make a haiku about myself. 
Down below is two of the paragraphs that are in poem. The numbers beside it are the number of syllables in that sentence because we have also been learning about syllables in our writing workshops.

Grace A is my name -5
I like to play sport it's fun  -7

I am year 7 -5

I like to have fun -5 
My favorite colour is Orange -7
I like gymnastics- 5

I chose to write about myself because its something I know the most about and I want people to know about me and see who I am. I was going to do a limerick but it was very hard to find words that would rhyme together.
Thanks for reading my blog post about my poem that I recently did in my workshop and I hope to see you in my next blog post. Bye!
What type of poems have you heard of before?

Pool day

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my week 8 blog post about our pool day.
Last Friday the year 5 to 8 had a pool fun day to Walthem pools.  We had to make sure we were up to date to make sure we could go. Every task that we had not done was every two minutes out of the pool gladly I had no minutes and got to spend the whole time in the pool but most of the time me and friends we out of the pool sitting on the grass talking and then finally got in the cold pool. We took the buses down to the pools and everyone was very exited. When we got there we saw that there was a hydro slide, we got wrist bands to get on the hydro slides. It was a little cold and windy but it was still super fun. We had a lunch break between the swimming time and then got back in the pool afterwards. It was super fun and I hope we can do it next year.
Thanks for reading my blog post about our pool fun day this year and I hope to see you in my blog post. Bye!
Do you have pool days?

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

BFG Visualizing

Hi everyone,
Welcome back to my blog post.

The BFG looks like a big scary giant but inside he is a big friendly giant. He wears a big brown ripped jacket with dirty shorts that looked like it has never been washed. He has big giant ears. He sounds like he has a soft gentle voice. He has a big bubbly personality and is lonely and left out from the other giants, he tries to make sure that Sophie is safe and happy and that she will never be hurt or sad. He is scared of the other giants but trys to be brave. He is much smaller than the other giants. He catches dreams to try and make people happy.