
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Maths W7 - What makes a good math buddy ?


This is week for my maths blog post for week 7 ill be talking about what makes a good maths buddy.

Lately in our math workshops we have been given chosen math buddy's who the teachers chose for us to work that weeks problem solving questions with and then share our answers with the rest of the class at the end of the week. The math buddy's that are chosen are usually not always the people that you wouldn't usually chose to be your math buddy and you have to work with people you wouldn't normally work with.

I think that being a good math buddy means not making your math buddy do all the work, and if you dont understand the questions maybe ask how they got the answer and ask them if they could explain the questions better for you. I think what makes a good math buddy is lots of talking and not ignoring the person that is your buddy. 

Thanks for reading my blog post for this week and I hope to see you in my next blog post, bye.

What do you think makes a good math buddy ?

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