
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Maths task week 2

This week for maths we had to choose a strategy and answers whole number and decimal questions.

I chose the strategy rounding and compensating and answers the decimal and whole number questions, I did them in my book so below is a photo of what I did.

Its quite hard to read them but on the left is addition and on the right is subtraction.

Thanks for reading my blog for this week I hope to see you in my next blog post.
Whats your favorite math strategy to use ?

Friday, April 24, 2020

Reading task. Dont be too quick to click !

This week for my blog I will be sharing my reading task for this week.

This week we had to look at a website which had lots of things or us to do. On Monday we played  a BBC news game . Then we had to watch some videos about how we can check/ see if something we are reading is fake news or if it is a secure website. Then we had to read two articles about the same thing and then we had to make a copy of a template and basically write what we learnt for the whole thing. Then we had to make a google drawing and write what we learnt about the whole learning task during the week, this was called a infografic. Down below is the two tasks.

Thanks for reading my blog post for this week and I hope to see you in my next blog.
Did you learn some good information about checking sites from my tasks if you did what did you learn ?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Writing task - biography editing !

Welcome back to my blog post for this week .

This week I will be sharing with you my writing task for this week.
This week for our writing task we had to get a couple paragraphs for our biography that we did in term 1 - for my biography I chose Helen Clark.  Then we had to look at a google drawing that had a bunch of different language and we had to of had a couple of them in biography. Then we highlighted the parts in the paragraphs that we thought we used that language and then we would write a comment beside it and explain why we think we used that in that paragraph and why we think its important for everyone to use it. Down below is the link to my writing task just press on the link.

Writing task

Thanks for reading my blog post for this week and I hope to see you in my next blog post. Bye !

What language do you think is important to be used in a biography ?

Reading task - first week of term 2 !

Welcome back to my blog,

This week I will be talking about my reading task for this week.
For this week we had to read two texts and then we had to answers a bunch of boxes on a doc and answer our thoughts about the two texts onto it - I read " pandemic : the deadly flu of 1918 " and " keeping promises " . I found both of the texts very interesting and found out a bunch of information that I didn't know before reading the texts. Down below is the doc that we shared our thinking on just press the link and it will take you there.

Reading task doc

Thanks so much for reading my blog post for this week, I recommend reading some two texts if you get a chance. I hope to see you in my next blog, bye !

By reading the two titles of those texts what do you think those texts were about ?